MAT233 – Introduction to Statistics

University of Sioux Falls

Summer 2004


Instructor:      Shawn Chiappetta

Office:             Science Center 115


Phone:             (605) 575-2081




Office Hours:             M         3:30-5:30

                                    T          10-12

                                    W        3:30-5:30

                                    R          10-12

                        And by appointment.


Time:    MW – 6:00 – 9:45 pm

Place:    Science Center 204

Text:      Intro. to the Practice of Statistics, 4th ed., by Moore and McCabe

Course Description:  (From Catalog) An introduction to the fundamentals of statistics with applications.  Topics include frequency distributions, sampling distributions, testing hypotheses, analysis of variance, regression and correlations and nonparametric methods.  Prerequisites: MAT111 or equivalent.


Course Objectives:  Throughout the course, the successful student will:

1.      gain awareness and a value of statistics, including being able to draw meaningful conclusions from uncertainty;

2.      develop a solid understanding of the principles and theories underlying statistics;

3.      improve their ability to perform accurate calculations and evaluations using multiple techniques and tools;

4.      understand and become aware of the ethical questions that arise when making decisions using statistics;

5.      improve their ability to clearly present a statistical argument, in both written and oral form.


Course Grades:  Grades will be based on exams, homework, projects and participation.  They will broken down into the following values:

            Short Projects            3                                  @9% ea                                   27%

Quizzes                       3                                  @12% ea                                 36%

Homework                                                                                                      14%

            Final Exam                                                                                                     18%

            Participation                                                                                                     5%


Grading:  I typically do NOT take late homework or projects because students tend to abuse the privilege.  Understand though, I know “Life Happens” and will try to be understanding in those situations that merit it.  Quizzes are another matter.  I do NOT give make up quizzes.  If a situation arises that precludes you from taking the quiz on the stated day, a time PRIOR to the quiz may be set up to take the quiz.  These again are not given on an everyday pass, but rather for those instances that have put us in a bind.


Homework:  The following rules will be adhered to in regards to turning in homework or projects.

  1. No assignment will be accepted on fringed paper.  The preference would be loose leaf, but anything without a fringe will be accepted.
  2. No assignment done in red ink will be accepted.  Unless the red is used as a highlight or in diagrams.
  3. In the upper right hand corner of the first page will have the following:
    1. Students FIRST AND LAST name.
    2. Course name (Intro.Stats or MAT233)
    3. Due date
    4. Chapter and problem numbers (not page numbers)
  4. On each successive page will be:
    1. Students name
    2. Due date
    3. Page M out of N or M/N (i.e. page 5 out of 6 or 5/6)

The homework in this class may be different than in most of the math classes you have been in.  For, in your homework, we do want the “right answer”, but we want more.  In the written work, you will write enough on the page in complete sentences that someone who picks up your paper and has no other reference (that is, has not seen the text nor a statement of the problem) will be able to understand what the problem is and what your conclusions about it are. 


Each homework problem will be graded using the following rubric.

5 pts – Problem is done correctly.  No fault in logic nor method.  Explanation is clear and concise.

4 pts – Problem has minor flaws.  Explanation is not as clear as could have been.

3 pts – Correct ideas, but poor execution.  No or little explanation.

2 pts – Some signs of direction, but lack of understanding.

1 pt  -- Attempted problem, but needs to go back over and/or get assistance.

0 pts – Did not attempt problem or showed NO lack of effort.


Projects:  The appropriate guidelines and rubrics for projects will be given with the particular project.


Attendance Policy:  Regular attendance and participation is encouraged and expected.  You may read USF’s policy at


Academic Honesty Statement:  We encourage you to collaborate and assist each other.  However, that assistance should be a knowledge exchange, not the replication of the work of another.  Plagiarism (with or without the permission of the originator) defeats the learning process and jeopardizes your success in the course.  Copying homework and/or exams of another is dishonest and a violation of the ethical standards of USF (  Allowing your work to be copied by another is equally a violation.  Penalties will include no homework/exam credit for either student.  All students who observe an incident of cheating have an obligation to confidentially report such to the instructor.


Disability Services Statement:  (Text supplied by USF)  The University of Sioux Falls is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with physical, learning, and/or other types of disabilities.  Accommodations for students with disabilities are made only in consultation with the Coordinator of Disability Services, so if you believe you have a disability requiring accommodation in this or any course, please contact Ms. Libby Larson, Coordinator of Disability Services.  Ms. Larson will work with you to secure proper documentation and to help you arrange appropriate accommodations with your instructors.  Ms. Larson's office is on the lower level of the Salsbury Student Union, and her phone number is 331-6740.


Status of Syllabus:  This syllabus results from the instructor’s effort to represent fairly the plan for this course.  Circumstances may cause the instructor to make changes in the plan, but such changes will not be capricious and will be made in a timely fashion.  Please speak with your instructor if there is anything in the syllabus about which you are unclear.


Tentative Schedule:


July 7               Introduction, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 1.1                         


July 11             1.2, 1.3                                               

July 13             1.3, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5                           Project #1 due // Quiz #1


July 18             3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3                                 

July 20             4.4, 5.1, 5.2,                                        Quiz #2


July 25             6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.1                           Project #2 due

July 27             7.2, 8.1, 8.2                                         Quiz #3


Aug. 2              9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, 11.2                       Project #3 due

Aug. 4              12.1, 14.1                                            Final Exam

